Sunday, June 14, 2015

2015 Projects

  1. Establish top anchors on Backdoor
  2. Add anchor bolt to Der Schwartz Spur
  3. Bolt line between True Blonde and DSS.
  4. Establish multi-pitch line on Central Buttress
  5. Add a complete line between Mavericks and South Slab (Black Line)
  6. Establish a finish to Southern Slab through the Headwall
  7. Establish multi-pitch line on the Outward Bound Wall and Northern Slabs
  8. Direct line on Magic Carpet Ride and connect to Ubermensch
  9. RP Wave Wall finish (bolted 7/11) Climbed by Kyle.
  10. Mavericks direct 2nd pitch
  11. Direct finish to North Face of EPB
  12.  Add bolts to top pitch of Ubermensch

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