The Endless Summer 5.12b 120m/400ft ****

An awesome multi-pitch route up the Southern Buttress and the Wave Wall. From the base of the Southern Buttress identify a prominent arete which begins about 100ft above the base and is formed by the left wall of a large dihedral (Asterix ). The route ascends the face just left of the arete and continues up the Wave Wall. The start is about 20ft right of Jaws Pitch 1. FFA Austin 8/2/19.

Red=The Endless Summer
Pitch 1: 30m 5.10+ ** From the ramp at the base of the Southern Buttress, start directly below the large dihedral (Asterix) with 5.8 climbing (pass 2 bolts, can place optional gear) to a ledge at the base of a steep face (place a 1.5" cam). Ascend the steep face past 3 bolts directly below the dihedral at 5.10+. 5 bolts + yellow, red and orange Aliens. 2 bolt anchor. RH/Austin 8/2/19.

Pitch 2: 30m 5.12a **** Move up from the ledge and make difficult moves left across the thin face (5.12) to below overhangs above (an easier variation (5.11) climbs above the first bolt then moves left). Continue through the overhangs and make difficult moves to the slab above (5.12). Continue directly up the slab (20 ft. run-out-can place 1-3" pieces) to the anchors for Jaws Pitch 2. 8/2/19 Austin.

Pitch 3 10m 5.6:  Ascend the face directly above the anchors or join Pitch 3 of Jaws to the Wave Wall Ledge. Can combine with Pitch 2.

Pitch 4: 5.12b 45m **** This pitch lies between the Wave Wall Original Route and the 3rd pitch of Mavericks. Ascend the face just right of a wide crack and left of Mavericks (3 bolts) to a ledge. Continue up a leftward leaning crack until able to move rightward onto the steep face. Continue up the face to an overhanging bulge. Continue straight up the face above to the top anchors. 18 bolts to bolt anchors. FFA: Austin 10/22/18.

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